Essential apps windows 10
Essential apps windows 10

essential apps windows 10

Currently the price is lower than before but, in this page, are recommended free comparable (less powerful of course) applications. These application have a good quality and they are widely used both at enterprise and residential. Microsoft Office includes Word editor, Excel spreadsheet, Powerpoint presentation software and Outlook mail manager.

essential apps windows 10

Microsoft Office software package is, additionally to Windows operating system, one of Microsoft success pillars. It is good to have several installed in our computer.

essential apps windows 10

Internet Explorer or Edge in Windows 10 is the one installed by default but there are more alternatives: Chrome, Firefox, Safary, Opera. We use it for accessing information in Internet, connecting to our bank, to our company, reading email, etc. This application was the origin of Internet revolution and the most use nowadays. There are several good ones but this antivirus shouldn’t be a free one (Free ones use to be not so good and sometimes a fraud) and it is better to be bought in a physical store in order to avoid any fraud. It is the first application we should install. We consider only Microsoft Windows operating system ones. In this page we would like to recommend an additional set of useful applications we think are mandatory in a computer. Only Operating System and a set basic applications not really useful. A new computer use to have few number of applications installed by default.

Essential apps windows 10